My Core Beliefs
I believe that we all get up every day and go about our lives trying to do the best that we can. And if we can’t do our best, it may be because of external circumstances, but often it’s because of troubling interpersonal relationships or patterns that we ourselves participate in but are unaware of. Developing awareness of these patterns, with a view to personal change and growth, is key to enhancing day-to-day life.
I also know that making fundamental changes can be hard work. Change may be necessary to get us to a better place, but navigating these challenges – these passages in life – can be tough. Even just a shift in our perspective can be really helpful. Sometimes we need the support of an empathic therapist who is dedicated to helping us with that shift.
I am a Registered Psychotherapist in Toronto, and I work with couples and individuals over the age of eighteen.
I hold a diploma from the Toronto Institute for Relational Psychotherapy, I am a member of the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario, and I am a member of the Canadian Association for Psychodynamic Therapy.
I hold a Fundamental Skills Certificate in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) University of Toronto – OISE and a Concurrent Disorders Certificate from CAMH/University of Toronto.
On an ongoing basis I pursue continuing education opportunities at the Centre for Training in Psychotherapy and at the Toronto Institute for Contemporary Psychoanalysis.